Same or Next Day Appointments Available

Your Pain is our Priority!

North Naples 239.254.7778

Downtown Naples 239.331.8551

Cape Coral 239.319.4545

Insurance Accepted

We accept most major insurances, including Medicare and many HMOs. Call now to find out if your insurance plan is included on the list of insurances that we accept!


  • What should I expect during my first visit to an interventional pain management specialist?

    You’re in good hands with the specialists at Jaffe. For your first visit, we’ll get to know you by gathering and analyzing some basic information and evaluating your pain problem. We review your medical history, perform a physical exam, and review any tests that have previously been performed on you to gather a fresh perspective. If you have any imaging studies such as X-rays, CAT scans, or MRI scans, bring those with you.

  • What should I bring with me to my first appointment?

    Bring your insurance card if your insurance is covering your visit, or if you would like us to help you determine whether a treatment is covered. If you are covered by a workers compensation claim, please bring your case number and your case manager’s contact information. If you have any imaging studies such as X-rays, CAT scans, or MRI scans, bring those with you as well.

  • What should I wear to my appointment/treatment?

    Loose-fitting clothing that can be easily moved or clothing that exposes the problem area is ideal. If we’re checking your knee, wear shorts; your shoulder, wear a tank top.

  • I have osteoarthritis. What treatment is best for me?

    Osteoarthritis is a chronic, long-term disease that affects your fingers, hips, knees, and other joints throughout your body. We can help you manage your symptoms and find relief. However, there is no one-treatment-fits-all approach; instead, we will gauge your specific needs and work towards a pain-free solution.

  • Will insurance cover my treatment?

    Most insurance plans including Medicare, private insurers, and workers’ compensation will pay for medical treatments that are medically necessary and are provided under the direction and supervision of a licensed physician. For more information on insurances we accept, please call or see “Insurance Accepted” in the section above.

  • How many visits/treatments will be necessary?

    It entirely depends on your diagnosis. Your pain is unique to you, as is the treatment we create to address it. Generally, with our multidisciplinary approach, our patients tend to experience faster, fuller recoveries—resulting in fewer treatments and visits.

  • Will my therapist be licensed?

    Absolutely. Each of our team members is licensed in the state of Florida.

  • What happens if my pain returns?

    Pain can return in some cases. If you experience a flare-up (exacerbation), call us so we can get you in as soon as possible for treatment.

  • Is treatment painful?

    In some cases, it can be. However, the pain you are experiencing is likely much worse than any pain that would come from treatment. Our primary objective is to provide manageable, long-term pain relief. Your specialist will utilize a variety of techniques catered to you and will have you communicate the intensity, frequency, and duration of pain you are experiencing.

  • How long does each treatment generally last?

    Most treatment sessions last 30 to 60 minutes per visit.

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